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We've only just begun...but we're open for your personal retreat now!


Yawe is a 5 acre parcel of land featured above, is located in a rural community in Wisconsin and has been procured to be used as an educational and spiritual center in an effort to connect our hearts to the natural world. Yawe is the the Potawatomi word for "to be".

As our mission statement mentions, we draw upon these the universal laws of reciprocity, peace, love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, truth, respect, humility and grace - and that the greatest of these is love - always love.

With these universal truths as our base, we want to provide a space for those who visit Yawe to connect to the natural world in deeper and more more meaningful ways - in effect, developing a relationship with all beings here. We encourage visitors to open themselves to the insights, possibilities, and wisdom that each and every moment provides for them, allowing each individual to more easily connect with the ever-present love and joy that exists in the world.

Right now, we are just learning - learning from The Land, about The Land and about how to be in relationship with The Land - including knowing what we can each offer one another. Right now we are grateful to The Land and all the sentient beings that reside there - for their beauty, support, innate intelligence, guidance, love and wisdom.

We have only just begun. We are ready to begin offering nature-connecting workshops and retreats and to hold sacred ceremonies. We are holding ceremonies around the high holidays of Yule (Winter Solstice), Ostara (Spring Equinox), Beltane, Litha (Summer Solstice), and Mabon (Fall Equinox) - all honoring the Earth, her elements and the gifts of this Creation. We also offer ministerial services and can hold specially-designed traditional ceremonies and individual ceremonies  (weddings, rites of passage, etc).

We are currently seeking donations for the developing of creating meditation trails through the front portion of the land. As well as the planting of a Compassion Tree Trail and our Pollinator Prairie. All new plantings will only be plants or trees that are indigenous to the area. In the meantime, we will work to protect and keep the existing plants healthy and vibrant. Currently, there is one cabin for someone to stay in and it's been completely rebuilt and insulated. This is available to rent for private retreats.

When a group retreat has been planned, participants will have to bring a tent if they want to stay at Yawe while attending one of our events. Otherwise, there are overnight accommodations six miles away.

Beyond that, we don't know what the land wants to see here - perhaps we will all agree to offer overnight cabins right on the land. If so, we will need your generous help to do so. Below is a map of the vision that may be in sync with what the land wants from us.

Thank you so much for your support - whether it's inspirational, spiritual, emotional, physical or financial. Although we do not have 501(c) status, we are, by law, a tax deductible institution (religious institution).

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